Friday, April 1, 2011

Texas State and Local Government

Now that I have decided to retake this class I sort of question myself why it was so hard for me the first time around. It was probably because I sat in the back and talked to the baseball team the whole time while my teacher lectured. I have learned a lot throughout this semester and I am dumbfounded to realize that texas is such a strong conservative state politically.  I guess since I have been in Austin I have been clouded by how the mass media liberally is very strong and thought that republicans were becoming the minority. Now let me clarify, Im not all about who is winning here or who is more important because realistically I dont care if you are a democrat or republican. I have friends on both sides, I just go by the facts and what works for me. Basically statewide we are republican, and locally we are more democratic. Local elections people don't vote as much and arent as involved.  I think it hurts also that local elections are not covered by the media as strongly compared to state and federal.  Because texas has no state income tax and a relatively low sales tax this attracts industry and therefore people which results in population growth.  Texas is facing a budget crisis whether or not to use our rainy day fund, which is set aside for tremendous emergencies or whether we cut spending.  I think as a state people might envy us, If I lived in another state I would. Look at texas we have all the great benefits, we are stronger than most states, its easy to vote here and get your opinion out, election processes are pretty simple and straightforward and Rick Perry is good looking.

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