Friday, April 15, 2011

Does it really affect me?

I have to say I was a little shocked by the Lawrence vs. Texas in the blog Texas vs. the supremacy clause, I mean it was in the privacy of their own home. It wouldn't be against the law if you invaded a heterosexual couples house and they were engaging in certain practices. I do feel like that law is outdated, and as I mention later this is a form of discrimination.  But reading over these blogs I started to ask myself certain questions about same sex marriage, like if same sex marriage was legalized does it really affect me? The world really is a confusing place, so many things have changed and it kind of makes you wonder why now?  Why now is this ok to do, or why now is it ok to act this way. This does not just involve same sex marriage, it also involves sex before marriage, and the amount of pregnancies out of wedlock among other things. Why is the world so different?  Are we just becoming more accepting?  I am a Christian and if I go by what the bible says about being a homosexual then it says it is wrong, but is is also wrong when I sin, even though the Bible looks at sodomy as more severe thats not the point. The point is does it really bother me if we legalize same sex marriage? No not at all. I have a couple of gay friends, but one in particular is my best friend and if he fell in love and was able to get married I would be in the front row, because he is my friend, and I want what ever he wants for himself. I want him to find love and since being married one day makes me happy if it makes him happy then I want that for him. I did a little research however, and looked up how same sex marriage could affect me. Realistically it really does not affect me at all, but I do see how conservatives and traditional based households feel it could.  It could provide a slippery slope for the legality of marriage, having multiple wives, or marrying an object or even an animal. That is my only problem with changing the laws on who can marry, because who are we to say a gay couple can marry but a man cannot marry his slinky. Yes it sounds ridiculous but what kind of world would that be. The whole basis of marriage would change. It does sound like a double standard and I understand this. It is a very difficult topic to discuss. Aside from my certain beliefs that I have, I do feel that this is a form of discrimination, and that if two people, two humans love each other than who am I to say they cannot get married.

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