Friday, April 29, 2011

4 Million to be Spent on New Performing Arts Center for AISD

While looking for a topic I came across an article on the conservative website Empower Texas.  The article stated that the Austin ISD Board of Trustees recently approved an expenditure of $4 million from bonds to purchase land for a new performing arts center in Central Austin. This news coming just after last month they decided to cut more than 800 teachers salaries, taxpayers should be wondering how they justify the commitment to hiring new staff for the PAC. Austin voters have twice approved bond funding for the PAC, partial funding in the 2004 Bond Program, and full funding for land acquisition and construction under the 2008 Bond Program.   Total cost for the completion of the PAC is 40-million dollars.
It was only a few weeks ago that the AISD School Board decided to more than 800 teachers in an attempt to close a $94 million budget gap, which is almost impossible to do in a single year.  Considering Austin ISD spends less than half of its funds outside the classroom, you have to wonder how they plan on committing to hiring so many more auxiliary staff like janitors, maintenance workers, and so on that will be necessary tin operating the PAC.
AISD points to the fact that the money approved for the land acquisition and construction of the PAC can’t be used for operations costs such as teachers' salaries, and while this is technically true, it’s misleading. None of the money approved by the bonds will go towards the maintenance and operations of the PAC either.
That money has to come from somewhere though, and if we are already cutting teachers salaries now, where will the funding come from.  The article states they could fire more teachers like they’ve done recently, but the more likely option is that they cover the increased M & O costs with more property taxes (an option they quickly turned to for this current budget shortfall). Either way, taxpayers will be getting the short end of the stick, and academic excellence for kids will be further devalued.
Is starting construction on a new PAC more important than keeping property taxes low and funding available for more teachers in the future, especially with the budget problems facing the district? I am a fan of extra curiccular activities for students since I was very active in high school, and it is sad to see these are the first budgets to be cut, but if we are able to rent the venues as of now for the students shouldnt we continue to do so in order to tackle the huge deficite.  And I'm sure if local residents were given the option of starting construction or keeping property taxes low which Texas is known for then I believe they would choose the latter.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Does it really affect me?

I have to say I was a little shocked by the Lawrence vs. Texas in the blog Texas vs. the supremacy clause, I mean it was in the privacy of their own home. It wouldn't be against the law if you invaded a heterosexual couples house and they were engaging in certain practices. I do feel like that law is outdated, and as I mention later this is a form of discrimination.  But reading over these blogs I started to ask myself certain questions about same sex marriage, like if same sex marriage was legalized does it really affect me? The world really is a confusing place, so many things have changed and it kind of makes you wonder why now?  Why now is this ok to do, or why now is it ok to act this way. This does not just involve same sex marriage, it also involves sex before marriage, and the amount of pregnancies out of wedlock among other things. Why is the world so different?  Are we just becoming more accepting?  I am a Christian and if I go by what the bible says about being a homosexual then it says it is wrong, but is is also wrong when I sin, even though the Bible looks at sodomy as more severe thats not the point. The point is does it really bother me if we legalize same sex marriage? No not at all. I have a couple of gay friends, but one in particular is my best friend and if he fell in love and was able to get married I would be in the front row, because he is my friend, and I want what ever he wants for himself. I want him to find love and since being married one day makes me happy if it makes him happy then I want that for him. I did a little research however, and looked up how same sex marriage could affect me. Realistically it really does not affect me at all, but I do see how conservatives and traditional based households feel it could.  It could provide a slippery slope for the legality of marriage, having multiple wives, or marrying an object or even an animal. That is my only problem with changing the laws on who can marry, because who are we to say a gay couple can marry but a man cannot marry his slinky. Yes it sounds ridiculous but what kind of world would that be. The whole basis of marriage would change. It does sound like a double standard and I understand this. It is a very difficult topic to discuss. Aside from my certain beliefs that I have, I do feel that this is a form of discrimination, and that if two people, two humans love each other than who am I to say they cannot get married.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Texas State and Local Government

Now that I have decided to retake this class I sort of question myself why it was so hard for me the first time around. It was probably because I sat in the back and talked to the baseball team the whole time while my teacher lectured. I have learned a lot throughout this semester and I am dumbfounded to realize that texas is such a strong conservative state politically.  I guess since I have been in Austin I have been clouded by how the mass media liberally is very strong and thought that republicans were becoming the minority. Now let me clarify, Im not all about who is winning here or who is more important because realistically I dont care if you are a democrat or republican. I have friends on both sides, I just go by the facts and what works for me. Basically statewide we are republican, and locally we are more democratic. Local elections people don't vote as much and arent as involved.  I think it hurts also that local elections are not covered by the media as strongly compared to state and federal.  Because texas has no state income tax and a relatively low sales tax this attracts industry and therefore people which results in population growth.  Texas is facing a budget crisis whether or not to use our rainy day fund, which is set aside for tremendous emergencies or whether we cut spending.  I think as a state people might envy us, If I lived in another state I would. Look at texas we have all the great benefits, we are stronger than most states, its easy to vote here and get your opinion out, election processes are pretty simple and straightforward and Rick Perry is good looking.